Benefits of Virtual Camps

This year is different than any others before it… with daily challenges that we all have to overcome.  This is a time to reflect… to be kind & considerate… and to stay as safe and healthy as possible. Virtual camp is a resource that allows campers to meet other children, get active and have lots of fun! The benefits of Virtual camps are plenty!

Mental Health

Mental health is so important especially during times of quarantine.  Having a program which benefits campers and maintains social distancing guidelines is very important.  Most of us have been stuck inside for months, with little to do and no socialization.  We now have to find ways to improve and maintain our mental health while practicing safe social distancing.  Mental health affects how we think, act and interact with others.  Virtual camp allows campers to engage with other children their own age, move their bodies and have fun! 

Physical Health

Physical health is normally not associated with virtual camp but in our program at the Royal City Soccer Club it plays a major role.  Through soccer activities and creative games, we help maintaining physical health.  Moving your body daily helps your mental health as well by relieving stress, improving memory, helping you sleep and overall mood boosts.  Physical activity daily can help you feel happier and help you stay healthy. 

Skill Development

Virtual camp encourages and supports the development of skills.  Soccer is a specific skill which is developed and taught in our camp.  Campers are also developing there communication and social skills through different activities at virtual camp.  They gain confidence through meeting and interacting with other campers and staff. 


Through our virtual camp education and having fun goes hand in hand.  Whether campers are learning new soccer skills, or new facts and information based around the weekly theme, there is constantly new opportunities for growth of knowledge.  Inspiration, gaining confidence and improving their quality of life are all aspects of a good virtual camp. 

Engagement and creativity

Having the ability to share your ideas and stories with a group can help build confidence and passion. Being engaged with virtual campers throughout the whole virtual camp is critical to the experience. Creative games, activities and stories help with sensory development and expression.


Lastly we focus on mindfulness, a skill which can benefit you both physically and mentally.  Weekly, we implement a yoga routine which help with grounding, clarity, balance, mental calmness, muscle strength and tone.

There are many benefits to virtual camp: relieves stress, maintains health, and builds confidence and new skills.  These benefits are realized through prioritizing mental and physical health, skill development, mindfulness, engagement, creativity and continuous education. In such cases, the indications for further use of the drug should be verified. For more information about the drug, go to  At Royal City Soccer Club, we’ve developed a Virtual camp program to provide such experiences during an unprecedented time.  We have received very positive feedback from parents and campers and hope to see you at our Virtual Royal Camp soon!

5 Misconceptions about Virtual Camp

Here at Royal City Soccer Club, because the coronavirus pandemic has forced us to cancel our in-person summer camps this year, we’ve created an amazing new virtual camp for boys and girls aged 7 to 13.  But not everyone is convinced that Virtual Camps are for them, so we wanted to clear up a few common misconceptions about virtual camps, especially here are Royal City Soccer Club.  Here are the 5 most common misconceptions about Virtual Camp:

1 – My kids are going to be bored….

Our Virtual Royal Camp @ Home is designed from scratch to create very engaging, fun and creative interactive 1 hour virtual camps.  Each session will include various interactive games, warm up and daily physical activity, soccer skills and exercises, story of the day, trivia, jokes and so much more.  Our program has been created to keep the virtual participants engaged in a fast moving session that includes to much in just 1 hour a day.   

2 – My kids won’t be active…

Most parents, understandably, are tired of their children being on screens all day.  We understand this frustration so in each of our 1-hour sessions we’ve incorporated physical activity into at least half of the session.  Even though our virtual participants will be using a screen, they will constantly be active throughout the hour.

3 – They won’t get any soccer…

Being a soccer club who prides itself in providing soccer programming, its important to us to incorporate soccer skills and exercises into every single virtual session.  While it certainly is a little more challenging teaching soccer skills through a virtual environment, we’ve tried to create 2 separate soccer sections into most of our daily virtual sessions.

4 – We don’t have enough space…

While some virtual campers have access to a backyard while participating in our virtual sessions, you don’t need to be outside and you don’t need a lot of space.  Most of the active portions of our sessions, including the soccer exercises, only need about a space about 5 feet x 5 feet. 

5 – We don’t know if we can meet the technical requirements…

To participant in our virtual camps, all you need is a computer or tablet with a camera and internet access.  Our virtual sessions are conducted on Zoom but if you aren’t familiar with Zoom, we’ll provide you simple instructions upon registration on how to log in.  Our Instructors will also teach and help participants learn the basics of Zoom so that they can participate and enjoy all aspects of the session. With several sessions available each day to all boys and girls aged 7 to 13 throughout the whole summer,  we hope to see you register soon.

Also, be sure to check out the cool highlight video of our first week of Virtual Royal Camp @ Home by clicking here.

Coping during quarantine

With schools coming to an end, and most of the country sheltering in place, many youth are now finding themselves with a surplus of extra time on their hands. While video games and sleeping in until noon can be a welcome break for a few days, it’s easy to begin going stir crazy. The most important thing we’ve found to combat quarantine boredom has been keeping up a schedule.  We’ll walk through some of the things that have filled our schedule the past couple of weeks!

Wake up call

With no more morning classes, it can be easy to slip into the habit of oversleeping into the afternoon. However, it’s very important to maintain your sleep schedule, and thus proper sleep hygiene. You may not need to be up at 6am anymore, but try to set yourself a goal wake-up time and stick to it. The same goes for your bedtime routine; pick a time and stick to it!

Set some goals

You’re up now, what next? Schedule some time for activities each day, varying up productive goals with entertainment and free time. 


Whether it’s following along with an at-home workout on YouTube or going for a walk/run through the neighbourhood, be sure to give yourself some time to stay active and get your heart rate going!


Spring is here and along with that comes spring-cleaning. Your goal could be anywhere from having all the dishes washed directly after super, to making a deep clean to do list and setting aside an hour or two each day to tackle one of the items. From washing the baseboards to scrubbing the tub, there’s lots to be cleaned around the house!

Build your resume! 

We recognize that many employers are not hiring right now (but here at Royal City Soccer Club we are still are hiring!) , however you never know what opportunities are out there if you’re not looking. If you can’t find any new postings one day, why not try working on an employable skill? Watch a webinar about using Excel, work through some exercises on your favourite free language learning app.

Have some fun

Don’t schedule your whole day full of chores and work, otherwise you’ll quickly lose motivation and burn out. Set realistic goals, and be sure to pepper in plenty of time for fun and recreation throughout the day.

Play some games! 

If you’re back home with your family for the summer, now’s the perfect time to implement game nights. Break out your deck of cards and monopoly board and have some fun! If you’re not sheltering with other people, try playing games online. There are plenty of multiplayer games online, or set up a video chat with your friends and family and play with them virtually!

Do some arts and crafts! 

This is the time to start exploring your creative side and knocking out some of those projects you have pinned to your Pinterest board. Pick up a hobby, be it painting, macramé, knitting, etc. and explore your creative side. There are plenty of blogs and Youtube videos out there for anyone looking to pick up a new crafty hobby!

Enjoy the outdoors (safely)! 

With this tip it’s important to consider physical distancing, but there’s still some ways you can enjoy the outdoors. Spring is here in full swing, and as it gets warmer it’s a perfect time to begin clearing out your gardens and prepping them for your May plantings. It’s also a great time to break out your sports equipment and start practicing at home in your own backyard. Pump up your soccer balls or strap on your roller blades! 


Your schedule is completely up to you! Some people will want a jammed-packed day with no free time. Others may want a morning routine to get them started, and trust that the rest of the day will sort itself out. Just be sure to treat yourself kindly through these times, and know that we will get through this. 

The most important thing to remember through these times is that we are all in it together. It’s been amazing watching our communities come together while staying distanced and seeing Canada as a whole pull together to support each other.

Stay safe and stay home!