How to ace that summer job interview

Winter is in full swing and the snow is falling, the temperatures are dropping.  This is the time most students are thinking about summer jobs.  Time to ace that interview.  Here at Royal City Soccer Club, we interview over 500 candidates for summer jobs so know just what that ‘aced’ interview looks like.

Dress to impress:

First impressions last! It is always better to overdress than to underdress. Even if all you have is a suit and tie, that looks much better than those jeans that you always use with your favorite shirt that you think gives you luck!

Put the phone away:

Cell phones should be turned off or muted for the duration of the interview.  It is very distracting when a cell phone starts ringing at an inappropriate time.

Sell yourself:

Candidates think it’s the interviewer’s job to ‘pull’ information out of the candidate or find out what they need.  Not true.  The candidate must ‘sell him or herself’ during the interview at all times.  The candidate has to highlight reasons to hire them and the experience and skillset that backs that up.

Make eye contact:

Too many candidates look down or away from the interviewer during their response.  This is a sign that the candidate is not confident or sure of his/her answer. Looking at the interviewer shows confidence in yourself and your answers.

Personalize your answers:

Interviewers hear the same old answers to most of the questions. When a candidate can personalize their response and make it different from others, it will stand out as a memorable moment in the interview.

Be concise:

Often candidates talk too much of stuff the interviewer doesn’t care to hear.  Be sure the answer the question you are given and be concise about the information you are providing.  Often you can read from the interviewer whether they want to hear more about it or not…but don’t assume that because they haven’t interrupted you means they are interested in what you are saying.

Choose words carefully:

It is important for candidates to use appropriate words & terminology.  Swearing is a big no-no.  When candidates use slang, it gives the appearance of a lazy brain…not something an interviewer is looking for.

If you apply for a job with us this summer, keep these tips in mind and you’ll likely substantially increase your chances of getting the job.

What to do on Family Day?

When most people think of special days in February, Valentine’s Day is the one that comes up the most often.  But the day most people forget is Family Day. Trying to keep your children busy can be challenging on any day let alone in the middle of winter when most businesses are closed, but we’re here to help with some ideas for this Family Day!

Board game time

Put those phones & tablets away.  Say goodbye to PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch! Make this day a board game day.  Dig deep in your closet & choose one of those board games you haven’t played in year.  If they want to get creative, maybe they can make their own game! Here are some of our personal favourites:

  • Trouble
  • UNO
  • Clue

Once Upon A Time

Nothing says “family time” like cuddling up and reading a story together but if you want to take it a step further, how about making a fort or castle to go with the theme of the story you’re reading? The kids can even dress up as their favourite character in the book and act it out! I asked my coworkers to give me some of their favourite childhood books for inspiration:

  • Green Eggs and Ham by Dr Seuss
  • Elephant and Piggie by Mo Willems
  • The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch
  • Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak
  • Click, Clack, MOO by Doreen Cronin

Catch a flick

Sometimes just chillin’ out and watching a family movie on Netflix or going to your local theatre and watching a new release is just the right amount of family time.  Just a few great family movies out in the theater are:

  • Dolittle
  • Frozen 2
  • Jumanji

Homemade Fun

One of my favourite things to do when I was a kid was to make homemade playdough and I promise your child will love it too! Not only does it allow you to create something with your kids while spending some quality time together, it gives them something that will probably occupy them for quite some time without making a total mess. If you’ve already created playdough before, maybe try out a “homemade slime” recipe for even more creative fun! Here is a simple Playdough recipe to follow:


  • 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1 tablespoon cream of tartar
  • Food coloring
  • Saucepan
  • 1 cup flour


  1. Combine water, oil, salt, cream of tartar, and food coloring in a saucepan and heat until warm.
  2. Remove from heat and add flour.
  3. Stir, then knead until smooth. The cream of tartar makes this dough last 6 months or longer, so resist the temptation to omit this ingredient if you don’t have it on hand.
  4. Store this dough in an airtight container or a Ziploc freezer bag.

So, as you can see, there is plenty to do with your children on Family Day that doesn’t even involve stepping out of your home on these cold, winter days.  Let us know what you’re doing on your Family Day by posting a photo on Instagram and tagging @royalcitysoccerclub!

Best Way to Prepare for a Summer Job

Yes, it’s January but right about now you’re probably thinking ‘what’s my summer gonna look like?’.

What kind of summer job am I going to have?  The summer is full of opportunity but is the planner that often gets the best job.  Here are a few insights on the best way to prepare for a summer job…

What are you looking for?

The first step is to think about what kind of summer job you want.  Outdoors vs Indoors?  Factory vs working with kids, etc.  There are plenty of opportunities available but you have to determine what is important to you.  What motivates you?  Do you want experience in a certain field or do you want to have fun during the summer.  Are you starting to build your resume? Or are you just looking to have a good time? Keeping your motives in mind will help you gain a better understanding of what opportunity best suits your needs.

Where do you start?

Years ago, an employer would post a ‘Help Wanted’ sign and interested candidates would drop in and provide their resume.  Today, interested candidates have access to many different ways of applying… which can actually be overwhelming at times.  Google searching ‘summer camp jobs’ is fine but you are more likely to get job ads from all over the world than local opportunities. Using third party websites such as Indeed or your University/College job board will provide you with local opportunities.  You can also find great success in going straight to the source; the company’s website.

TIP: Make your resume or application stand out. In a world where everything looks the same, employers really value individuality. This is why understanding your motives, for finding a summer position, is crucial to your success in finding your perfect summer job. It not only saves you from having a generalized search, but it also saves you time from applying to jobs that you will not benefit from.

How can you set yourself up for success during an interview?

Research! You may be asking ‘Why do I need to research? this is just a summer job’.  Preparing & researching every aspect of the job and company gives you an edge on your competition. From the moment you pick up the initial call from an employer you are being interviewed. TIP: Usually the initial call is the deciding factor of bringing you in for an interview or not!

A job posting is perfect to gain understanding of the what the position consists of. Majority of the time employers list the hours of work, job requirements, as well as the wage in the job positing, to help you decided if the position is right for you. However, taking your research a step further to investigate the company is also a fantastic way to give yourself an edge over other candidates. Looking at the company’s website, will give you a more in depth look of the culture or environment to expect at the job.

Candidates who have questions for employers during an interview stand out more than the others. If you have ever had an interview with a potential employer you know that at the end of the interview they will ask you if you have any questions. Now this can either be an awkward pause or it could be an opportunity to elevate yourself above the other candidates, vying for the same position.  It is important to do the research so you can go in with a prepared question. TIP: Try to ask questions that can’t be answered by reading the job description.

Looking for a summer job can be difficult. There are so many opportunity’s that it can become overwhelming to decide how you want to spend your summer. If you take your time to listen to your wants and needs you will be successful in finding the right fit. Although there are many opportunities, they unfortunately do not stay vacant forever. Keep in mind that if you are looking for a summer job once the school year is over, whether it be in April or June, there are thousands of other people looking at the exact same time. To secure a position at your perfect summer employment, you must start looking and applying in January.  

Our staff applications for 2020 are now open! Apply now so you won’t regret it later!
