Activities to do during winter lockdown

Making the most of your day

Sure, you might be in lockdown but its still a good idea to go outside to get some fresh air, even if its just outside your front door. When the sun is out even just a little bit your mood will change drastically. Setting aside some time to go outside to get some fresh air is one of the most important aspects of keeping your mental and physical health. Consider:

  • Walk your dog

  • Bike Ride

  • Go for a walk/run 

Make time for friends

Even though you may not be able to see them in person, there are so many other ways you can continue interacting with your friends. Whether it is setting up a Zoom or Facetime call just to catch up on what one another has been up to. There are endless opportunities when it comes to virtual hangouts such as:

  • Netflix party (put on your favourite movie)
  • Baking Competition

  • Cook off

Complete a puzzle/ Play a Board Game 

Completing a puzzle or playing a board game with family is another great way for you to focus your energy on something other than our electronics. Games and puzzles have many benefits such as improving your memory and problem-solving skills. Whether the puzzle is 50 pieces or 300 pieces it is a nice enjoyable activity for the whole family so share. 

Read a Book

The ‘art’ of reading a book for fun has been lost in recent generations.  Reading is usually one of those tasks, many of us say we don’t have time for. Well during a winter lockdown, this is the perfect time to find a few books you have been wanting to read. Whether you are interested in fiction or non-fiction, any book with a comfy spot in your homed will do the trick.

Practice some soccer “skills”

Making time to improve your soccer skills will benefit you in many ways. Practicing will increase your speed, perfect your technique, and get some exercise in while doing it. Find a small space in your home, look up some soccer indoor skills video on YouTube, or Instagram and get to training!

5 reasons why applying for a summer camp job is a good idea?

Once holidays are over and we are on to the new year, we often forget to think about what we will be doing for the upcoming summer…despite this pandemic situation. Well, time to start thinking about it.  Look no further as we have the perfect summer job for you…working at summer camp…and its probably one of most rewarding jobs out there. Here’s why:

  1. Regular Hours/Routine

As we all know camp runs during the two months of summer when the children are on summer school break. Camp allows you to work during the day and have your weekends and nights off. Knowing your schedule weeks in advance makes it easier to arrange plans with friends and family during your days off.

  1. Work Outside

Nothing is better than working outside during the summer months.  After such a long year of being ‘captive’ inside, whether due to health guidelines, school or other, its liberating to be able to work outside in the fresh air all day.   Work outdoors at a summer day cannot sound more appealing.

  1. Work with Children

Having the opportunity to work with children during the summer just sounds like endless fun. Kids keep you young!  Not only will you gain so much experience to add to your resume, but you’ll be able to learn how to engage with children of different ages and learning styles.  You’ll be surprised not only how much you will learn about yourself working with children at a summer camp…but you just might find yourself pursing a different career path than you thought.

  1. Show your flare!

Working at camps gives you an opportunity to show your creative side.  While most programming is often prepared for you, the best camps allow some flexibility to incorporate the creative strengths of each of its staff members. There is nothing like sharing one of your cool ideas or experiences with the next generation.