- COUNTDOWN IS ON! – Countdown to the first day of camp starts at the end of the last year’s camp season – ya, it’s a long countdown.
- CAMP STAFF – You can’t wait to see if your favourite camp staff is back again this year. And if there is a new counselor, you’re sure to be their favourite!
- CAMPER FOR LIFE – You dread the day that you will no longer be a camper…but then realize your camp experience can continue as a volunteer or CIT.
- BUTTERFLIES GONE – No matter how many summers you’ve attended camp, you’re always a little nervous about the first day. But after 5 minutes, all butterflies disappear.
- FRIENDS FOR LIFE – You are always looking to make new friends at camp. You ask your parents if you can have a play date with your camp friends on the weekend because seeing them Monday-Friday just wasn’t enough
- SUNSCREEN ME – You go through at least 5 bottles of sunscreen throughout the summer because you remember your parents reminding you.
- WATERBOTTLE CHALLENGE – You and your friends started a tally to see who refilled their water bottle the most throughout the day, but in reality, you should have been keeping track of how many washroom trips you took!
- NO MORE WIFI – You don’t even remember that WIFI and video games exist because you’re too busy playing camp games and making new friends.
- OH NO, SCHOOL’S BACK! – When the summer is coming to an end, you start to panic because that means that camp season is almost over.
- CAMP NEVER ENDS – You wear your camp shirt to the first day of school and can’t wait to tell your school friends all about the amazing time you had at camp!