Why training is important for a summer job…


It’s June, which can only mean one thing here at Royal City… it’s training month! Each weekend from now until the start of camp, we travel across the country to train our summer camp staff. We wanted to share with you why this training is so important!


Familiarize yourself with our camps

The first, and most obvious reason for training is to familiarize yourself with our camps. This includes everything from programming to policies. If you have a question, we’ve got an answer! We’ll cover things in detail, such as daily schedules, what to do during the in between time, how to talk to parents, and how to resolve bullying issues. For Supervisors and Regional Coordinators, we’ll also go over all the necessary paperwork required to keep camp running, and the best techniques for managing people.


Learning life & career skills

Attending one of our training sessions will not only provide you the tools to run our summer day camp successfully but more importantly it’ll provide you skills you can use throughout your life and career.  Problem solving, team work, managing children and so many other skills are learned at our training session.


Meet your fellow staff

The very first day of camp is your first time on the job and we recognize that can be intimidating. Training is a great time to mingle with your fellow staff and start getting to know each other. This way when you get to site on day one, there will be some familiar faces! Your supervisor will touch base with you before camp starts but it’s always nice to know your fellow staff members as well.



As you can tell, there’s plenty of  important benefits from attending training, we’ve only listed a few of them here. There’s sure to be lots more you’ll pick up during this training-focused month of June, including being more comfortable and confident in your camp position before July arrives!  We hope you’re as excited to attend training as we are to see you there!

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